Protest against Nazi Gym planned in Melbourne

The Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, a Melbourne activist group, is this week protesting against a gym that trains Nazis.
Legacy Boxing Gym, located in Sunshine, came to national attention last year after an Age investigation uncovered its links to the neo-Nazi movement. In early December, fascists from around the country had gathered at the facility for a weekend of training and propaganda production, held to a backdrop of swastikas and SS flags.
The gathering was yet another reminder that the far-right is continuing to build its ranks and operate in a more confident and open manner.
In October, a group of fascists targeted a youth festival in Moonee Ponds where drag artist Belial B’Zarr was performing. They held banners with homophobic and transphobic slogans and yelled “Sieg Heil!”—the greeting used in Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler—at participants.
The Nazis have been active in other ways, organising training camps in the Grampians and holding events at Elwood beach. Their most recent target was an Indigenous flag lowering ceremony in Coburg on Invasion day, where a few dozen showed up shouting racist slogans and carrying Australian flags.
But there has also been opposition to the fascists.
Just a week after the December gathering at the Sunshine gym, Nazis tried to intimidate another queer event in St Kilda. The council capitulated and decided to postpone the event. However, after a call was put on social media, 150 anti-fascists turned up to show solidarity with the LBGT+ community, an important moment of solidarity and pride.
Fascist groups have always used public displays to project their confidence, gain notoriety and recruit new people to their ranks. So counter-protesting and trying to build the ranks of anti-fascists is important. It was through relentless counter-protests that we were able to defeat the Nazis last time they reared their heads.
This is why the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism is organising a rally against the Nazi training centre in Sunshine.
CARF is working with refugee, migrant and LGBT+ groups to make sure the Nazis know that they are not welcome in Sunshine, which is home to a rich mix of migrants, refugees and working-class people.
The more people who join the protest, the better we will be able to send this message.
Migrants and refugees Welcome! Nazi gyms are not!
Protest this Saturday, 25 February, 1pm at Sunshine train station.